Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Civil Unrest?

After last nights election I was absolutely DRAINED! Not only did my candidate not win, but I had to endure crap from the other side. I find it funny that people who consider them to be part of the peaceful party are the least peaceful it seems. I was inundated with comments to the effect of "thank god no more crotchety old white men in office." Really, did you look at your VP? This was generally followed by, "Thank god there is some color in the office." Hmmmm, and you called me and McCain racists? The worst of all was a person I had formerly thought to be intelligent made the remark, "Did you see that witch Palin and her whore of a daughter? I think they were crying!" Wow! And you are a Democrat? I was unwed when I conceived. I was only 19. Does that mean I am a whore too? How dare you! I am not a racist. Don't call me white when I am half Mexican just because I have fair skin. Don't assume when I say that if McCain had one people would have rioted and looted that I meant blacks in particular. I have beliefs and I vocalize them. I never attack a candidate for personal reasons, only their stance on the subjects I disagree with. If you cannot handle people disagreeing with you, go somewhere else because that is what America is built on. I am not evil because I do not agree with you. I just want different things. In a time where we should be coming together to figure out how to make each other quasi happy, do not pass judgment on others. Help people who are disheartened now to realize that maybe it will be ok. If you don't how will "CHANGE" happen?


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you received so much crap. I was personally very excited about Obama but I never once put McCain down because I agree with you about just wanting different things. I felt that McCain's speech last night was very gracious and I hope that everyone else can be just as kind as he was.

Unknown said...

I too am sorry you came across such hateful remarks. I also strive to teach my children to respect everyone's opinions.

I will have to agree with your point the irony--those liberals who don't practice what they preach. For whatever reason they think people who hold alternative views as theirs are wrong and sometimes (not always) not hear them out.

I'm a moderate, independent so I kind of see both sides which is not a fun place to be. Anyhow, luckily not everyone is like that and there are many open-minded people out there that will hear you out.